Our objective is to make sure your visits with us will be pleasant and informative. Your initial appointment will consist of an examination and a discussion of potential treatment options and will take approximately one hour. This important visit will address the orthodontic needs of the patient. A thorough explanation of the problem and possible treatment options will be discussed with you. We always schedule adequate time to completely answer all your questions. A written summary of our findings and recommendations will be provided to you and your family dentist. In addition, any questions regarding or financial options will be discussed.

One of three outcomes will be determined at this first visit:

  1. Treatment is not needed, no further visits necessary
  2. Treatment will be needed in the future
  3. Treatment is needed now. If that is the case details of the treatment proposed and the costs involved will always be discussed with your before any treatment begins.
  4. Some patients request that their records be taken at this visit, it involves x-rays, photographs and impressions for study models.

Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your first visit:

  1. Any recent x-rays taken within the past 6 months.
  2. If you have dental insurance, bring the necessary completed forms. This will save time and allow us to help you process any claims.
  3. Completed online or printed patient registration forms.
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